Fall Tour

November 25, 2016

Better late than never.

I'll start with the porch.  I've always wanted a gorgeous front porch but have just never gone for it.  This year I went for exactly what I wanted and loved it.  I couldn't find the picture of the porch with out my kid in it so you'll have to take the one with her smack in the middle.
 I did the best I could muster with a newborn in the house.  I actually let Georgia do most of it.  She did the mantle and the TV.  I've really been trying to get rid of the unnecessary clutter, especially of the holiday version, and only have stuff I really like.  I'm still working on it.
Georgia bought me that little wire pumpkin ;)
 Georgia also found this huge leaf :)
That's Georgia's hand print turkey and her little decorated pumpkin

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