A Catch All

January 20, 2017

Linking up HERE
This Saturday wasn't super exciting.  Jonathan had to make an appearance at work so he took Georgia with him.  She wanted to wear make up so red lipstick it was.  Luckily it wore off quickly.  Once they got home I ran errands, did a huge photo shoot, and then we had two families over for dinner, which was fun.
 On Sunday, Jonathan and Georgia went to church while I stayed home with Milam.  He had slept in little 20 minute increments from about 5-7:54 so I was sleepy and I didn't want him missing his first nap of the day.  We ended our Sunday at Jason's where baby brother fell asleep and big sister sneaked (that's a word) so many toys into her purse.  So funny.
 Monday was MLK day and Georgia had off of school but Jonathan didn't.  Super bummer.  We started off our day with two tornado warnings.  I was super bummed a lot of the day because Jonathan had told me he would be coming home early because he didn't have students.  In reality he forgot he had a board meeting and didn't get home until 11pm.  It was a long day and one of those times where I felt like I just couldn't catch my breath.

Before the warnings we started off well enough snuggling in bed...
 My phone went off again saying there was a confirmed tornado south of us by about 15 minutes.  I calmly told Georgia we were going to sit in the hall closet for a bit (it's pretty huge) and she thought it was super fun because that's where we hide our art supplies and extra books.  Once the rain and wind started to get harder and louder (and after I changed Milam who decided to poop) I went and got a small twin mattress and put it in the hall way (just in case we needed to duck and cover) and explained to Georgia why we were really in the closet.  Initially she freaked out but I told her the chances were really slim and she calmed down.
 Once the weather had passed we ventured out to pick up our HUGE Office Depot architecture prints.  I'm obsessed with this.  I got this one printed off for me and another for a local store that requested an ad from me (for my photography business).  So, that's fun.  (And yes, my daughter wears 8in bows)
 We also ventured out for dinner since I hadn't planned on cooking.  This little nugget makes getting anything done just a little bit harder.  Carrying around a 17 pound weight makes everything a bit more complicated...Jonathan's mom stopped by as well at some point.  But, we all survived our very long LONG monday.
 Tuesday was not a whole lot better in Milam's disposition.  You can't tell from the looks of him here though.  Little guy just wants a lot of attention.  As in all of it.  Don't get me wrong though.  I let him fuss A LOT.  He rarely cries but he'll just yell at me if he can't see me.  I tell him that he'll just have to wait.  Not that I like to hear him fuss but he needs to get used to not being held or entertained 24/7.  Now, if his sister is around he'll just look at her and talk to her forever.  I think I can blame most of it on teething but I guess we'll see.
 See, sister is home!  They're equally as excited to be reunited after a long day of school
He just needs to tell her all about his day ;)
 While trying to keep Milam occupied and keep him up until nap time we made our way to the back porch (covered and screened) to watch it rain.  He didn't care for the rain as much as he did my face...and the cat wandering by.
Wednesday I was just dreaming about some along time to work all day.  I was literally counting down until Jonathan got home all day.  I just needed to be alone.  In the mean time Milam and I had some fun with InstaStories (per the usual - MrsEmilyPowell - I also have videos in my stories that I haven't posted here).  I can't believe 1) that Milam is to the face grabbing phase.  It's actually one of my favorites.  He thought this was so funny and 2) that he can hold himself up when standing.  So insane.  See second picture.
When Jonathan got home I went off to Starbucks and worked on (and finished) an entire session.  It was so nice.  I even splurged and had a muffin since we've been eating a semi-clean diet.
Thursday was a good day.  I felt so refreshed since I had gotten so much work done Wednesday night.  I've also been working on a lot of little projects around the house...Jonathan and I both have.  I will probably post about them when they add up to something worth showing.  Right now it is just random paint and faucets and door knobs...nothing too exciting.  Milam's mood vary these days.  He's happy and sad and everything in between.  Teething is hard.
 I've touched on the fact that J and I are semi eating clean.  We do more of a "Slow carb" diet.  Insert non foodie picture here...it has required me to do more cooking that I care for but it is mostly baking chicken with something thrown on top of it.  So, nothing fancy or hard.  This was seasoned chicken breast, salsa, rotel, and onions all over rice.  It was really good.  The rice was left over and the rest was at 350 for 30 minutes.  Don't be jealous of my paper plates...
 We needed to make it to nap time or bed time would come far too soon and I spotted some excellent puddles (on a walk with Milam earlier in the day) that I knew Georgia would love so we walked down the street so she could play...
On the way home bitty boy could not stay awake.  I had to hold his head up just to keep him up.  He's looking at me like, "why mom?!"
These two are obsessed with each other!
This chunk LOVES his guac (his is just mashed avocado)!  LOOK at that bod!
Happy Inauguration Day!

1 comment:

LaNeshe said...

Your kiddos or so cute! I'm on the East coast so I've never dealt with tornado warnings, glad things were ok.


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