Georgia's At Home Lessons

September 7, 2018

No education is perfect.  No matter where you send your kids to school or if you do it yourself it will never be perfect.  Georgia goes to public school and we really like her school, they seriously kill it with math.  Honestly, if I still homeschooled we would mostly be doing history, geography, and reading...math and science just don't do it for me.  Anyway, I'm trying to emphasize some things (in a super casual way) here at home.  

I drew up this little sheet and had some copies made before I filled it out.  I chose some areas that I wanted to focus on and went from there.
Here is a terrible picture of it filled in.  I tried to make the trait, verse, and historical figure all go together.  This was her first sheet so I picked some easy words and an easy verse so get her on board with it.  She's not super excited about it but she doesn't hate it either.
I went through books we already had that touched on the topics I had selected.
Before school started I did another little "dig deeper" session with G.  I told her to pick anything out of any of her books and we would dig a little deeper to see what we could find out.
Milam is also getting in on the fun.  We are doing the colors red and blue, the numbers one and two, and working are drawing circles.


Rachel said...

I think it's an awesome idea to do homeschool sorts of learning activities even along with going to school. And everyone has their favorite subjects to teach...math is my least favorite to teach, and it's my mom's most favorite. We make a good team, haha!

PBO said...

I really like this!!


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