Friday Favorites

June 28, 2019

We didn't do a whole lot this week.  I had a lot of photo sessions last weekend so I've been doing a lot of editing but it's also been raining here a lot so we've been inside more than usual.

Milam is for sure still in the terrible twos phase and on the verge of being a "threenager" so we have a good amount of strong willed (LOUD!) behavior going on but there are so many sweet moments.  There is a big enough age gap between them that I can speak reason into Georgia to keep her from arguing with Milam too too much.

Cloudy days
A cloudy day right before a storm is the perfect day to take my kids to the park. They get sun so easily.  I also get a lot of comments about how "brave" or "athletic" or "coordinated" my kids are and I honestly think they're just normal kids but my husband and I try really hard to not put our fears onto them.

I don't actually enjoy playing with my kids at the park all that much.  Being pregnant I get tired more often and it's fairly hot and humid where we live.  This park though is really small and we were the only ones there so it was super easy to keep up with them so I didn't get too exhausted.  Milam did. He came home and slept for three solid hours.

Strong Girl
So ok, this girl IS crazy strong.  She even spun around for a bit hanging by just one arm. In addition to her 9 hours of gymnastics a week she also had two 30 minute private lessons this week.  She's been working super hard and I'm really proud of her.  Self discipline is not one of her strengths.

Baby's Name?
We've gone back to the drawing board because I just wasn't loving August.  More details on this later but we have a few options that I'm "trying on" for size to see how they feel saying out loud. I'm hopeful we'll be able to come up with a good compromise.

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