24 Weeks - Barrett & a Name Change

July 14, 2019

24 weeks is the official week of viability which is totally insane.  We have literally done not ONE thing to prepare for this child.  Nada.  Not a whole lot new to share.  I had an appointment last week and his heart rate was in the 150s.  My next appointment is the diabetes test and then I think I move to twice a month appointments.  I still have two more weeks until the ultrasound where they check my placenta position so say a prayer it moves up, please and thank you! No stretch marks and belly button is still in.

We officially decided to change baby number threes names for several reasons.  Or rather, I decided it needed to change.  When I decided on August I was certain that this baby was a girl so I didn't put a whole lot of care into the boy name choice.  Which sounds dumb but I guessed right with my other two so I thought I was super smart or something.  Obviously not.

August was after my great grandfather and Alexander is after my brother.  After talking to people about it and saying it out loud I just didn't like how it flowed with my other kid's names.  I like the name but for some reason it just wasn't sticking out as THE one like my first two kid's names did.

Barrett had always been on our list but because of where we grew up (neighboring community named Barrett) it was a "hard" no from both of us and we just couldn't get past it.  After I decided to go back to the drawing board I kept coming back to Barrett.  For a few days we had decided on Abbott and Jonathan liked it more than Barrett and then one morning he woke up and suddenly liked Barrett more than Abbott because Barrett, to him, sounded more down to earth.

William Barret Travis is a Texas hero that my oldest brother was named after and my middle brother is Austin after another Texas hero.  That's why we picked Milam, after Ben Milam, who fought in a battle right before the Alamo.  We did decide to use the more common spelling of Barrett rather than the one T version just because it would be misspelled/mispronounced all the time. After having a Milam (My-Lum), which is his middle name, there is enough confusion there.

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