Back to School - Remote Learning

August 11, 2020

We unfortunately do not have the choice to return to school face to face at the moment so I need to make Georgia's learning space very functional but also get her excited about a real crap shoot of a school year...again. Boo.

My husband is a principal at a middle school in a neighboring district so even if we did do homeschool we could never have the laid back lifestyle where we could travel in off seasons or things like that. Our life will always be tied to a school schedule. And I do not thrive in a homeschool atmosphere at this point in  my life. Neither do my kids. They are such social creatures and thrive so much having something that is "theirs". In person school for sure is the best option for both of them. Milam also does public school speech. With all that being said here is the space I'm hoping Georgia can use for school.

We have THIS desk. We've had it for several years and it's been amazing. So functional and that's what we need right now. (Also, VERY easy to clean. Exactly what G needs!)
Georgia also has her own laptop. She has THIS one. It is super basic but it does what we need it to. I MUCH prefer my MacBook Pro but Georgia cannot handle that kind of responsibility and her laptop was a gift from her grandparents. She's a walking mess and I say that with love. (She also has an iPhone with internet access but no phone number and we have an iPad as well so we have plenty of devices to get the kids online and "in class") Also, she has NONE of these devices in her room at night or in her room/possession without permission.

On Georgia's desk there is a lava lamp which I find to be relaxing, kind of like a fish tank would be. She also has a pencil sharpener because I don't want her having any trouble getting her work done. We use her dry erase board to keep her moving forward. She loves to know what is coming up and what she has to look forward to. I got her a pack of dry erase markers that are magnetic so they don't get misplaced as easily. I let her keep her water in her hydro flask on her desk to cut down on the trips out of her room and getting distracted. She really enjoys the rainbow handle. We use THIS organization system from Ikea. Not sure if they make it or not. She also puts all her markers in THIS because Milam uses them a lot as well so I can move it around the house as needed.
I for sure don't think online school is the best option for several reasons, one of them being eye strain. Georgia had her eyes checked less than a year ago and has perfect vision and I plan to keep it that way so I got her THESE blue light glasses in hopes of her not getting headaches and such.

I made sure I clean and organized everything so we can make the best use of her desk top space and I bought her a new (insane) pencil box (probably a mistake!) It is "More than Magic" brand from Target but I cannot find it online.

Here's to another crazy school year!
(Meet the teacher was yesterday for us and we start online tomorrow!)

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