You don't tell me that my baby is one month closer to 18 months. I'm not going to hear of it. I just cannot believe our little baby nugget is getting bigger everyday. Exciting and sad all at the same time.
He's up to about 26 words now...if you're me and can understand all his little baby jabber. I've been keeping a list on my phone because I was worried he wasn't talking enough. He jabbers but doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. I've heard him make L sounds and T sounds so I don't think he'll have speech issues like Milam but who knows. (At 4 Milam has now mastered all his sounds...not always conversationally but he's working really hard!) He barks and moos too. He understands almost everything I say to him and follows most of the commands I ask of him. Blows my mind that we're here already.

LOVES hugs and affection, giving "love" and snuggles, Penny, all dogs and squirrels, and any animal with fur. My other kids like animals, Milam probably the least, but oh my his love of animals is over the top. He waves hi and bye to EVERYONE. His big brown eyes and cute fat hands waving are irresistible. He loves to sit and read by himself or with anyone. He's my little (green) veggie eater. Is not super picky and enjoys meal times. Dinner is his favorite and drinking less milk before and after bed and more food at meals.
He dislikes being told no but has the best pout face you have ever seen. He can turn it on at the drop of a hat. He also hits and occasionally bites. A real angel ;) But actually my angel face that I'm 100% obsessed with. I can't help myself. He also likes to run in the street (always with me running right behind him...he's gotten fast!) Doesn't like having his diaper changed or getting dressed. Loves being naked.
Barrett, we love you so much. Even when you slap us in the face.
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