Santa: A Family Affair

December 20, 2012

Last year it took 4 trips for us to finally get to sit with Santa.  You can read about that HERE.  (On the same note:  she LOVED the Easter bunny last year too!)  This year, we got to see him the first go around although I wouldn't say it was a success.

We met my brother, sister in law, niece, nephew, and in-laws and waited in line for nearly an hour (I was so shocked about the line.  Parents try way too hard to get a "good" picture.")  We did Georgia, then Georgia with Cooper and Molly Kate, then Molly Kate and Cooper all in less time than the little boy in front of us took.  This is the first year Molly Kate and Cooper haven't cried...first time Georgia did.

My SIL and I took the chance before Santa to snap some pictures of our babies together.

Aren't they just THE cutest!

He is just SOOO sweet to Georgia!

Then, we brought them inside the Santa cottage to wait in line.  Eventually Georgia and Jonathan were covered in sweat because there was no AC in this tiny building housing a lot of people.  I think the temperature only added to Georgia's growing irritation at this point and her super excited reaction when placed in Santa's lap ;)

Her dress is dark green by the way...not black

He kept saying, "Yay!  Georgie is coming to my house!"

A big sweaty mess at this point
 And, here is the final result.  Coop and MK rocked it.  G not so much.  HAHAHAHA!  I literally had to peel her off of me and pretty much just throw her into his lap.  I let go of her at one point and she was like a baby monkey clinging to my body.  It was so mean of me...her whole body was literally shaking before she even started crying.  And, it was one of those cries where for the first few seconds no sound even comes know they mean business then!  Also, she is SUPER cautious around middle aged men (like...all her grandfathers) so I should have known hat, glasses, beard, AND mustache would mean trouble!

Pure Christmas perfection!
Afterwards we went back to my brother's house to let Georgia eat dinner and snap more sweet pictures of the babies.  These pictures look so effortless.  BUT, my brother was doing jumping jacks while holding his dog in the background and seconds before these were taken Georgia played with MK's potty that had PEE in it!  Wonderful.  Oh, and we initially tried to take them in front of the fireplace but the iron cover fell on their heads.  Nice.

And, some Cooper out takes just because.

How did your Santa visits go?


Emily Powell said...
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Lyndsey said...

I love how happy Santa looks even with G freaking out on him, lol! It's definitely a keeper! And the three kiddos in their jammies is just too presh!

Melanie said...

LOVE the pj pics in front of the tree!

Megan C said...

Love the pic with Santa, just love it! And love those pajamas!


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