The Switch Witch - What to do With Your Halloween Candy

November 3, 2016

This Halloween we met some new neighbors and trick or treated with them for some time.  The mom was a personal trainer and told us about the, "Switch Witch".  You let your kids pick out five pieces of their favorite candy and then the rest gets put in bags and left on the front porch.  In the morning the, "Switch Witch" has taken the candy and left a new toy instead.

We told Georgia about the Switch Witch and she was super excited to see what would be left her.  She happily bagged up her candy and left it on the front porch.  Once she was in bed I went to the store and bought a $7 Beanie Boo (her obsession!) and put it on the kitchen counter.  Went I went out to the store I took the bag of candy and threw it in Jonathan's car.  I left the Beanie Boo on the kitchen counter and when Jonathan left for work he put it on the porch for her to find in the morning.  She was so excited.

I let her pick our her five favorite pieces, kept a bag of tootsie rolls to add as treats to her lunch, and kept all the suckers for  future bribes.  I don't eat dum dums or tootsie rolls so there is no risk of my binge eating all the candy.  ALL the other candy has been sent to the city trash can outside our house.  I know I probably could have taken it to a nursing home or something like that but I just needed it gone.  Not even for Georgia, but for ME!  I couldn't stop eating it.

So, that's what we did with our candy this Halloween!


Chelsea said...

What a fun idea!!! Chelsea @

Natalie@She Builds Her Home said...

That's a cute idea! We have been doing something similar the last 3 years or so...letting them pick out 5 pieces and then taking them to Target dollar spot to choose something to exchange it for. I keep wondering how many more years I can get away with it until they realize they are getting the short end of the stick ;)

Megan C said...

Great idea!! Going to try that next year!


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