Hey There, Friday

January 13, 2017

So Friday kind of snuck up on me!  That rarely happens.  This week somehow managed to be long and short all at one time.
{Linking up HERE}
You may notice that I changed my little "about me" image over there to your right.  I also updated some of the photos/info in the tabs up top.  Nothing too major but just trying to bring things up to date.

This week my Friday Favorites blog just seems like my insta feed (MrsEmilyPowell) or the Milam show.  Which, it totally is.  He's a super happy camper when he's in my lap or arms.  He's super nosy and needs to know what's going on all the time and DOES NOT want to be left out or left behind.
Now that Georgia is back at school and rocking and rolling in Kinder it is just Milam and I holding down the fort.  While I do miss Georgia while she's at school I really enjoy the one on one time Milam and I are allowed. (And, once Georgia gets home she likes to decompress on her own in her playroom and have some quiet playtime by herself which I totally understand because I am the same way myself.)
Milam is growing so fast.  He gobbles up baby food.  He can sit (tri pod sit) by himself.  He sits in the grocery cart. He rolls every which way.  He's unswaddled now every time he sleeps.  He grabs toys and of course puts them straight into his mouth.
His big personality keeps us all entertained.  He is just so sweet.
I do wish we had more winter weather.  This year's has been so mild.  It was in the mid to high 70s this week so Milam and I have enjoyed getting out on some walks.  I just wish it didn't so dark so fast so that we could enjoy more family time outside.
Not only does he like to face out in the stroller now but he occasionally insists that he eat not facing me.
Georgia is obsessed with her reading abilities.  We have a fairly extensive book collection and we have what we call "The Library" and Georgia loves to go check out books.  I need to get this in better shape but it is clearly not a huge priority right now.
Our week has been pretty low key so that's all for now.
Happy Friday.


The real housewife of DC said...

Stopping by from the link-up. Happy Friday!

-Abby, http://therealhousewifeofdc.blogspot.com/

Trista @ The Classy Chaos said...

He is such a cutie!! And do is she. I love to see them develop a love for reading. Hope you've had a great weekend!


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