Barrett is O N E

October 26, 2020

 How on earth did our little angel baby turn an entire year old. We just love you so much. You are so funny and so sweet. You love to snuggle and lounge. You've just recently starting climbing which makes me extremely tired. You love your siblings and just last week became obsessed with your dad. 

You are a pretty good eater, are on half formula half milk and are still on the two nap schedule so your eating schedule is the same that it has been for awhile now. You got a new tooth yesterday (#7) during your first nap but normally you take a long nap (1.5-2 hours) first and a short nap second (1hr). You sleep about 12 hours every night. 

You know so many tricks. You blow kisses and raspberries, say hi and bye, wave, moo like a cow, bark like a dog, show me where your hair is and so much more. You know a lot of things that you can't say. For example, "can you find a ball and take it to dad?" You can follow simple commands like that. We've been having so much fun teaching you so many new things.

I haven't been to your one year appointment yet but I'm guessing you weigh around 25 pounds. You're a big boy. I'll have to update once I have your stats. You got your first real haircut on Tuesday and you look so cute.

We got you a new tiny little balance bike for your birthday and you're just so proud of it. You make this sill sound and your whole body shudders with pride. It is so cute and so funny. You can use your stacking rings and other little toys like that and love your touch and feel books.

You have the sweetest temperament and the best little smile. You love keeping up with Georgia and Milam and pretending that you're so big. Experiencing all your firsts has been just as exciting as it was with your older siblings. We just love you so much Barrett Bear and are so glad God gave you to us!

1 comment:

Billie Jo said...

Happy Birthday to your precious baby!
He is adorable.
My boy is 18 now.
Seems like yesterday I dressed him in those precious outfits. Have a cozy evening!


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